Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Moment of good news

ok... fine. I'm posting now only due to the fact that I have a moment of free time thanks to one of my classes being cancelled. I have a moment of good news, earlier this semester it was announced that Carthage's magazine called "Centrique" was having a poetry competition tied with various other categories to enter. I entered a poem I'd written in my sophomore year at south out of boredom call "Tales of Yore: and Ode to those who are lost." yeah it sounds like an emo screamo poem I know but it's not! I've never written a poem out of depression...except that one time. Any way I won 1st prize which happens to be $75 cash. WOOT! MONEY!!!! ok, so yeah my moment of good news, although I doubt anyone will read this as I haven't posted since the end of Feb and its now the 5th of April. Oh well you'll all hear about it soon enough anyway. I'll be bringing home a few copies of the magazine which I'll aslo be published in. speaking of my name in Magazines, last gen-con most of you re-call me taking 6th place overall and 3rd place in Dark Sword Miniatures, I contacted Jim Ludwig the owner of the company and he informed me that my mini's pic and my name are located in an issue of Habringer magazine, which you can back order, which I did. So hopefully that'll all arrive before easter and I'll show it to you guys then. Hopefully everyone is doing well, please feel free to e-mail me I'd have you IM but I'm never at my comp or signed on for that matter. I'll be home soon and shall talk to most of you then, and if I have to I'll try to play my part as switzerland if need be.


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