Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Well all in all my robot works. I present it tomorrow and hopefully get a decent grade. The robot is very simple, although by taking this class I now have a new found respect for anyone who writes computer code. My past few weeks here at Carthage have allowed me to think alot. Which is not entirely a bad thing from time to time. However I've coem to the stark realization that I am indeed a dreamer. I was always afraid that I'd end up like this, my mind wanders more than it used to and I tend to just day dream and escape from the day to day routine. I keep thinking about how I'd help my friends or better their lives if i was filthy rich, how I'd set my parents up in a house that they like and could seek comfort in the fact that they'd be able to stay there till their ends. But the harsh reality of it all is that i am not filthy rich, and as it keeps looking I shall never be. My claim to riches has been the manuscript I've been working on since the 8th grade (six and a half long years) I've worked on it from time to time whern I've had a moment to do so. Sadly I've finished it a few times, only to go back and read it, noticing several places where it needed improvements. Ergo I;ve never gotten it to a point in which I am happy with it. You've all seen me paint a mini...that can take me days, weeks, months even to finish a small figurine, it's taken me six or so years to get this far with a manuscript I'm afraid to show anyone. I just no longer know what to do with it, or with myself in that regard.

Anyway I've tried to keep myself busy here at Carthage, but I've tended to do very little besides day dream and nap with my free time. I've as of late been doing a lot of internet browsing and whatnot and today I checked my AOL e-mail and was accosted by the news stating that Daniel Radcliffe (that's right Harry Potter himself) has moved off the movie screen and onto to stage. In a role that's anything but adolescent. The play is called "Equus" which is Latin for "horse." Radcliffe's role is that of a stable boy, and as the part calls for it he and his female lead counterpart have fully nude scenes *shrug* to each his own. I'm somewhat surprised and at the same time not so much. I'm sure Radcliffe would like to break his type casting of Harry potter as much as he can, and I feel that this role shall do that quite well.
Well that's it for me, I'm back off to nap or something...I truly doubt anyone shall read this considering most of those who even know I have a Blog don't read it or even check it since I post every year or 6 months so... by the time anyone might read this it shall be old news anyway.
G'bye all.